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VDRs are a great tool for sharing sensitive data, however, they’re not for free. Data breaches and theft can be costly, difficult to recover from. It’s essential to choose a VDR with security features that are robust in order to stay clear of these scenarios. Certain VDRs charge higher for features that are more advanced, but they are generally worth the cost for larger projects or transactions.

The best vdrs can offer different pricing structures that can be tailored to meet various deal sizes and requirements. Some pricing structures are based upon the amount of administrators, whereas others are based upon storage capacity. This is a great choice if you frequently conduct deals that require small text documents.

Some vendors offer additional services that can improve the VDR more efficient, for example, technical support or consulting. These additional services could save you money and time by preventing miscommunications and reducing the need for costly documents courier charges. These services are usually offered at a reduced cost when they are combined with the VDR.

Another popular pricing model is the per-GB model which charges a recurring subscription depending on the amount of data that is stored in the VDR. This is the preferred model for companies that share small text since it eliminates high costs.

Firmex is a top provider of secure document sharing solutions that are suitable for professional use. Its platform is able to handle complicated tasks like diligence, and lets teams collaborate across different locations. Drag-and drop features, notification tools and access control that is granular are a few of the features. It also has smart redaction which identifies and removes pattern information from documents swiftly.

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