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Encryption is the process of converting data and information into a form which can only be decoded and understood by those who possess the keys. This can be done with various mathematical models and is used to secure information and data in the everyday life of businesses and consumers.

Modern encryption algorithms are crucial for ensuring the confidentiality of digital information stored on computers or transmitted via networks like the internet. It also provides security initiatives such as authentication (verifying the source of a message), integrity (ensuring that it hasn’t been altered) and non-repudiation (the ability to prove that a person or company actually sent the message).

Encryption works by converting plaintext that can be read by humans into an encrypted format known as ciphertext, by using algorithms or mathematical models. The encrypted text can only be read by a decryption key, which is a secret password or sequence of numbers that the sender and the recipient have agreed on. The stronger the encryption keys, the more difficult it is for third parties to identify using brute force methods.

Many privacy and security regulations require the use of strong encryption in order to ensure that personal information stays private and secure. Many individuals and businesses use encryption to safeguard files as well as entire computers using programs like 7Zip and CertainSafe. They can also protect the entire hard drive on the cloud via virtual private networks. Many companies offer multiple encryption options to provide the strongest protection.